
Truck & Chipper Combination

Arbor Operations offer truck and chipper combinations for jobs both big and small

Our truck and chipper combinations are specifically designed to handle large jobs, while staying committed to strict environmental regulations. These include:

Our wood chipping equipment has all the necessary safety features as well as silenced performance that adheres with all Environmental Noise Pollution Regulations for residential works. The units are fully equipped for roadside works with beacon lights, sign storage and a multitude of safety features.  These units are the ultimate specialised combination of conical based wood chipping technology, using less horsepower and fuel – producing a uniform premium grade mulch product – and trucks with large storage to hold it all.

Truck and chipper combinations for small jobs

Arbor Operations, based in Brisbane, believe in the right tool for the right job. The below truck and chipper combinations are particularly selected for pruning jobs, landscaping projects and for our quick response team:

Our woodchippers have continuous feed with acoustic silencing to comply with Environmental Noise Pollution Regulations – thus enabling our team to work on projects in quieter areas such as neighbourhoods, golf courses and schools.

The above combinations are specifically designed to handle smaller jobs with added safety features such as beacon lights and sign storage. Arbor Operations take pride in accomplishing all arborist tasks for our clients and we can effectively deal with large and small jobs.

Arbor Operations strive to offer a high quality service that is convenient and cost-effective for our clients. Call us today to see how our truck and chipper combination can help with your next arboricultural project

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